Fr. Dr. O. Thomas – MA, M.Th., PDPT, D.Th.

Fr. Dr. O. Thomas, the former Principal of Orthodox Theological Seminary, had been the professor there since 1981, and continues to be the research guide and faculty at FFRRC, Kottayam. He served as the Director General of Orthodox Syrian Sunday School Association (OSSAE), Priest Trustee of the Malankara Orthodox Church, Church Working Committee member, Principal of St. Paul’s Mission Training Centre Mavelikara, and General Secretary of Orthodox Christian Youth Movement (OCYM), along with his remarkable contributions in the field of counseling, teaching and preaching.

Fr.  Dr. O.  Thomas completed his Masters in Sociology from the Kerala University, Post Graduate Diploma in Practical Theology (PDPT) from Heythrop London, M. Th. and D.Th. from United Theological College Bangalore, affiliated to the Serampore University.

Fr. Dr. O. Thomas is the first doctoral holder in counseling in Malankara Orthodox Church and his principal area of teaching is Christian Ministry – Pastoral Counseling under which he covers Introduction to Psychology, Practical Theology, Pastoral Care and Counseling, Supervised Pastoral Counseling and Marriage and Family. In 1995, when Orthodox Theological Seminary initiated Prathyasa Counselling Centre, a counseling study centre for laymen irrespective of religion, he was designated as its founder director. It was a fulfillment of the dream and vision of Dr. Poulose Mar Gregorios Metropolitan, the legendary theologian and Principal of Orthodox Theological Seminary. Fr. Dr.O. Thomas’ counseling services are still rendered on all Fridays at Parumala Seminary, for those who are suffering from mental ailments.

He had authored 8 books, hundreds of articles and had been the long term chief editor of Doothan and Snehalokam magazines.

Fr. Dr. O. Thomas
The story behind the name ” counselling father”